Conan O'Brien is Baaaaack!!!!

Posted on domingo, outubro 31, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

Seattle Gum Wall

Posted on quarta-feira, outubro 27, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

Click here for More...

James Joyce

Posted on quarta-feira, outubro 27, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

'London-based artist and illustrator James Joyce shows how good color choice, clever concepts, and a keen eye for type can get you work with big clients, such as Wallpaper, Nike and Penguin Books, to name a few.'

Lewis Hamilton drives F1 with Smartphone

Posted on domingo, outubro 24, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

Lewis Hamilton controlling a real F1 car with a Smartphone. McLaren decided to do this after watching RCGP guys video on Youtube.

If Facebook Existed Years Ago

Posted on quinta-feira, outubro 21, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

Click here for more....

The Piano House - China

Posted on quinta-feira, outubro 21, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

The Fingerist for iPhone

Posted on terça-feira, outubro 12, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

Wanna be a rock star? The Fingerist is a new hardware accessory for the iPhone and iPod Touch that allows new levels of control and audio output for musical iPhone apps. That 3-watt speaker has some decent output, but if you want some more juice the Fingerist does have a 1/4-inch cable jack to plug into your amp.

O Fingerist é um novo acessório para o iPhone e iPod Touch que nos dá novos niveis de controlo e saida de audio para as aplicações do iPhone. Esta coluna de 3 watts é bastante razoavel, mas se isso não chegar, o Fingerist tem uma saida de jack 1/4" para o ligarmos ao amplificador.

Kinetik by Anastasia Radevich

Posted on sábado, outubro 09, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

We would love to see some girls trying not to fall with these. Breathtaking shoes by Anastasia Radevich.

Cardboard Camera by Kiel Johnson

Posted on quarta-feira, outubro 06, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

Instead of using metal and plastic, Kiel Johnson creates fully functioning cardboard cameras. It’s be a bit of a change from the usual, but you’d definitely stand out from the crowd.

Invés de utilizar plastico e metal, Kiel Johnson cria cameras fotograficas feitas em cartão (e completamente funcionais). É algo fora do normal mas qualquer um daria logo nas vistas com uma destas.

Check out his work:

Last Action Hero

Posted on terça-feira, outubro 05, 2010 by Yakuza | 0 comentários

Hate it or Love of my favorites