Art Lovers
Art Lovers
Every month we will post only 10 of our favorite pieces here on the blog. Then, every 2 weeks we will choose an artist that will have his piece spotted on our ‘Featured Artist’ section, with a little biography, description or a link to your website. If your work not appears in one particular month, it will be able to appear in the next 3 months, so keep an eye open. We can only accept 3 works per artist/email every 3 months, so choose them well!
We are accepting:
. Design
. Photo,
. Architecture
. Fashion
. Installation
. Painting
. Music
. Video
. Gadgets
. Prints
. Sculpture
…you name it!
Remember that we need your Video or Music to be uploaded in another site (Soundcloud, MySpace, YouTube, Vimeo…). Send us the embedded code or the link and you’re in!
Good Luck and remember: “Art is the Proper Task of Life”
Send it here: